

Under the instructions of my client shrimati 704 Shetty wife of Anil Kumar president of house number 228- 177 Dr call Dr colony phase 2 Warangal and instructions of my client I give you the following legal notice my client states that you are desi and my client or wife situations of your address and my client being both of you address and my client was diversi and major proposal for second marriage 2017 Warangal doctor colony face to Warangal accordingly my client was joined along with your dress see at the house of your address at house number 2 – right – one by two Secunderabad Hyderabad out of the marital life my client was blessed with a female child by name Srishti who was born on 11/7/2018 and the delivery all aspects till 21st day of child was performed by the parents of my client at doctors colony your address along with other family members reported that as my client was blessed with female child and the hope of your address is addresses and family members was last as they are in a hope that a male child is going to born and you address see by getting influence of other family members of your address is not taken back my client paid as per the interest of your dress and other family mentally and the set at or not revealing in the legal notice even for the acts of your address number 28 of 24 being your address is not changing the attitude towards my client and my client daughter as your address he having you superhero nature and not considered my client as wife and sohar like is cleve even then my client paid all the issues which was faced in the matrimonial house in this regard by leaving and keeping the side all the aspects my client is ever ready and always ready to join in the conical society by giving importance of that stage the influence and attitude of your address will be there on the child situation my client times request and then try to convince your change to stay along with her mother and father as your address is not coming forward to take back my client in spite of my client is ready and always ready to join I miss you default my child will constraint to take legal action under restriction of conjur rights a part of that it is the responsibility of your dress you is getting income more than one of luck to look after my client and my client child by providing maintenance shelter and protection and domestic violence act and it is also responsibility is also responsibility of your dressing to deposit the amount of rupees which was taken and dowry to be deposit under domestic violence act in the name of my client or in the name of my client daughter treat this notice by expressing the interest of my client and come forward with a pass to response if not take treatment by providing all the facility as required to de provided