Os 34 of 2006

I submit that being the purchaser of property by me and other defendants from plainti if the flow of title to us got from plaintiff and previously we file a suit by OS number – dash in the in which were initiated by response less dependent number 3 that is forest department the honorable High court of judicature was granted status ko and the same ways confeam divide by disposing suit wide OS number along with other finding the define UN number 3 also file cancellation of passbooks in favour of respondents like dependent number 4 to 32 and joint collector issue or issued order by dating that already CC ear given a finding that over vendor that is responded / petitioner properties private property number 4 to 34 and position of property and our names where recorded by the records maintain by respondent number 1 2 3 the same is still continuing as the dispute is identity of property the gadget notification basing one which respondent or dependent forest department climbing right its identity as per survey number – dash from distance of length and width and cleaning as 171/1 and our property is 171 by 2 with numbers as the identity of property climbing by the respondents like defended is different from the property claim in by us as the total survey number consisting of dash – and the clay mode the respondent number 3 is – dash 

I submit that identity of property by respondent basic on two points first allocation of location to approach the property cleaning by responding as mentioned in gadget is located in mining area the same is identified by the who conducted survey as per commissioner report is part of record of honorable court 

Demarcation of property out of total survey number 171 property allotted to respondent / dependent number 3 

No record is available respondent number list responded / defendant number 3 only for the subject matter of the suits survey number 

Property cleaning by us 

Demarcation in survey number while assigning the survey number 2 for 171 survey number 

Dispute raised by defender number 3 and so Moto c c l a enquiry 

Report by CCL a confirm our right and confined the order passed by declaration joint collector Warangal wide file number 

Dismissing the proceedings for cancellation of passbooks by their and collected by file number – dash intiated by responding number 3 that is for his department 

I submit that the commissioner who appointed for excution of warrant is tea Sridhar advocate 

The survey conducted as per the claim of the defendant number 3 and if an number 4 to 28 for a department 4 to 28 the officer who excluded the warrant is deputy inspector of survey by name g. Ramulu

I submitted as the above case is  become oldest I advised to file this petition  while pendency of proceedings I may be permitted to lead evidence of this 2 officials for confirming the warrant and report issued by them